What is thought ?

Thought or thinking is only a sensation which we have got used to, because it gives a sense of existence ! But after directly seeing the limits of thought or thinking or limits of mental life, we discover Pure Consciousness as our Real Existent Self, then we can gradually abandon the seeking of existence through thought and settle as the Real Existent, Consciousness, Blissful Self ! Then, at last, after eons of struggle, one is free from the prison of thought !

You and the World

Where does the world start ? It does not start from your eyes or ears or nose etc., but it starts from the very moment of descending into the mind ! To renounce the world is to renounce the engagement with the mind ! In Pure Consciousness there is no world, though all the worlds appear in Pure Consciousness ! You are that Pure Consciousness not related to mind, body and world ! But how are you going to come out of the disorder called “compulsive engagement with the mind” ? There is no world apart from the mind and there is no “I” apart from the mind !

Atma and anatma

When you perceive an object, person etc losing touch with the fact that it exists only in your conciousness, then you have created an anatma out of it. This way you are making the Universe independently real and yourself as an isolated entity in it and you eternally seek the other.

But when you perceive that very same object or person without losing touch with the fact that it exists only in your consciousness, then you see it only as a superposition on your atma. This way you see that the reality of the Universe is non-different from your own Reality and hence there is no seeking the other !
