WizTweet #91

This world is a hospital. Living beings here, are the patients. Ignorance, which is jiva bhava, is the disease. Fear, anger, desire etc are the symptoms. World will always be like this. Don’t waste your time in setting right anything or anyone. Just cure yourself by fully giving up jiva bhava and get discharged, which is moksha. If you want to give a message to the world, just repeat the above 🙂.

PS: Jiva bhava = The enormous momentum to locate yourself within the body and to consider yourself as a limited, conscious entity, by being completely blind to your real swarupa or nature which is Pure Existence-Consciousness-Bliss not bound by any thought.

13 thoughts on “WizTweet #91

  1. Nice post.Beautiful Analogy.But we don’t feel like that.What to do? We are happy with the disease and hope that one day it will be cured .From the words of Charles Baudelaire, Paris Spleen fee
    This life is a hospital in which each patient is possessed by the desire to change beds. One wants to suffer in front of the stove and another believes that he will get well near the window.
    It always seems to me that I will be better off there where I am not, and this question of moving about is one that I discuss endlessly with my soul


    • Sometimes the children or ignorant are seen to have illusory fears and others around might educate them. It is like that ! The one who is free also has same experience of individuality but knows the Truth about it. For the ignorant, the body and mind is an identity but for the one who is free, body/mind is only a center of perception but not an identity.


    • Please dont ask academic questions. We see sky as blue but we know the truth. We see mirage but know the truth and so on. I want to answer only for serious seekers of moksha otherwise you can endlessly discuss with no final conclusion.


  2. I am asking these questions because somewhere I feel I understand both intellectually and experientially that the individual self is unreal, but I don’t understand how one can stay in the states of Padartha Abhavana and Turiya, while they are functioning in the world. In my opinion (not from any personal experience), if someone is in the states of these two they might not even see themselves as separate individuals.https://mokshaclub.wordpress.com/2014/10/31/sapthabhoomika-or-seven-stages-of-self-realization/


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